What is Power Walking? A Quick Introduction to Power Walking

Power walking is a type of aerobic exercise that, in short words, involves walking at a faster pace than your usual stroll.

You can do power walking for fitness or transportation purposes – making it an easy-to-utilize tool in your fitness toolkit.

The definition of power walking is disputed. Some say power walking is simply walking with speed and purpose – while others believe there is a specific technique involved.

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Most experts agree that power walking offers many benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, weight loss, and increased muscle tone. It is considered a low-impact activity, which means it is easier on the joints than running or other high-impact activities.

If you are interested in trying power walking, be sure to consult with your doctor first – and start slow. Then, once you get the hang of it, you can increase your speed and distance as desired.

The Muscles Used When Power Walking

When power walking, your arms, and legs work together to move your body forward. Your arms provide power while your legs provide stability. 

When power walking, the following muscles are activated and used: 

Your biceps, triceps, and shoulders are the muscles that work to move your arms when power walking. While swinging back and forth, your arms help keep your pulse up – and your blood flowing through your body.

In your legs, the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes work to move your legs towards your destination. The quadriceps are the large muscle on the front of the thigh, the hamstrings on the back of the thigh, and the glutes are in the buttocks.

While your arms and legs are in constant motion, your core muscle is simultaneously working on keeping your body upright, stable, and in balance.

The Benefits of Power Walking

The benefits of power walking are numerous and well-documented. 

Physically, power walking can help to improve cardiovascular fitness, increase muscle strength, lose weight, tone your body, and improve joint mobility. It can also help to improve balance and coordination.

Power walking can also help improve your mood, reduce stress levels, help reduce anxiety and depression, and increase cognitive function.

How to Start Power Walking

It is vital to start power walking correctly so you can get the most out of this exercise.

Here are a few tips on how to start power walking:

  • Start by warming up with a brief walk. This will help your body prepare for the more intense power-walking workout.
  • Once warmed up, increase your pace and begin to pump your arms. Remember to keep your upper body relaxed and swing your arms from the shoulder, not the elbow.
  • Walk at a steady pace, concentrating on using your glutes and hamstrings to drive each stride forward. Pay attention to your posture and ensure you stand tall with your shoulders back.
  • As you walk, breathe deeply and evenly through your nose and mouth. This will help improve your oxygen intake and help you maintain energy throughout your workout.