Glute Bands Review: Small, Simple and Effective Glute Activation

Glute Bands Review
8.29 Overall Score

Ease of Use


Total Body Score

Range of Resistance Levels

Impact on Joints and Tendons





Best For

  • Targeting Glutes: Glute bands are a powerhouse for sculpting those glutes, providing targeted resistance for optimal muscle engagement.

  • Versatile Workouts: Ideal for a wide range of exercises, including leg lifts, squats, and lateral walks, making them perfect for comprehensive lower-body workouts.

  • Home and Travel: These bands are compact and portable, making them perfect for home workouts and on-the-go fitness enthusiast


  • Size Matters: Ensure the bands come in different sizes or have adjustable options to accommodate various fitness levels and body sizes.

  • Material Quality: Look for durable, high-quality materials that withstand regular use without losing elasticity.

  • Resistance Range: Check for a variety of resistance levels to cater to both beginners and advanced users.

Our Verdict

Glute bands emerge as a versatile, user-friendly, and effective addition to your lower body workout routine.

Their compact size, coupled with impressive durability and versatility, makes them a standout choice if you are aiming to enhance your lower body strength and overall fitness.

I’ve tried and used a lot of different types and models, and I personally recommend fabric glute bands as the best choice for most people.

Why Trust Our Reviews?

After years of working out from home, I have established a unique expertise and vast experience using all kinds of home exercise equipment.

All tested equipment types have been tried and used extensively, providing me with an excellent platform to score and review each equipment type.

By following my recommendations, you can rest assured you are following the advice of someone who puts his pride in pointing you towards products suited to YOUR unique fitness journey.

How are Glute Bands Compared to Average Home Exercise Equipment?

FactorGlute BandsAverage
Ease of use9,89,1
Total Body Score6,878,5
Upper body (33%)48,7
Lower body (33%)9,58,2
Core (33%)7,18,6
Range of Resistance Levels8,48,7
Impact on Joints and Tendons9,58,3

Performance Tests

The Hometraininghero LOVES home exercise equipment.

And to determine which home exercise equipment lives up to their hype, we put them all to the test.

We test 9 different performance factors, considering their effectiveness, versatility, economy, and ease of use. Here is a quick overview of the 9 test categories:

  1. Ease of use
  2. Versatility
  3. Total Body Score
    • 3.1– Upper body
    • 3.2– Lower body
    • 3.3– Core
  4. Range of Resistance Levels
  5. Impact on Joints and Tendons
  6. Durability
  7. Portability
  8. Economy (Purchase & Maintenance)
  9. Size

Learn About Our Testing Metrics

Ease of Use

My Fabric Glute Bands
The fabric glute bands I use at home. I love them!

Glute bands are incredibly user-friendly, period.

They require minimal setup, and the straightforward design (it just cannot be simpler) makes them an excellent choice – even for fitness beginners.

I love how easy they are to use, and I use them regularly when doing squats during my home workouts. You will be surprised at the burn these little bandits provide!


Glute bands are not the most versatile equipment.

They are sold as equipment for building strong glutes, and that is basically where they deliver a bang for their buck.

Sure, if you are creative, you can use them for push-up variations and several other exercises, but it is during lower-body exercises that they really shine.

Total Body Score

Upper Body: 4 | Lower Body: 9,5 | Core: 7,1

Glute Bands Total Body Score Chart
  • Upper Body: While not their primary focus, glute bands can be somewhat efficient in upper body exercises. You can incorporate them into arm pulls, chest presses and several other exercises for an extra challenge. But personally, there are tons of other equipment I would rather use for my upper body workouts.
  • Lower Body: Glute bands undeniably excel in lower-body workouts. From glutes and thighs to hamstrings, they target these muscle groups with precision. I love using my fabric resistance bands for an effective lower body burn.
  • Core: Unexpectedly effective for core exercises, I sometimes incorporate glute bands into my core routine. Standing abductions and seated leg lifts with bands provide a unique challenge, contributing to an impressive abs workout.

Range of Resistance Levels

Glute bands typically offer a range of resistance levels suitable for various fitness levels and exercises.

From light to heavy resistance, you can progress gradually, ensuring continued challenge and growth.

Be advised that if you are to take advantage of the full potential of glute bands, you should have at least five bands with five different resistance levels.

Impact on Joints and Tendons

Being mindful of joint health is absolutely essential.

The low-impact nature of glute bands makes them gentle on joints and tendons. With minimal stress, they provide effective workouts without compromising joint health.

If you are experiencing bad knees, or your back or shoulders prevent you from loading resistance to your upper body, glute bands are just what you need to provide a joint-friendly lower-body workout.


Regular use can take a toll on fitness equipment.

Glute bands, preferably made from fabric, have stood the test of countless workouts. I have owned my own set since 2022, and they still feel new.

But be sure to take good care of them – keep them out of sunlight, and do not let your dog chew on them. If taken proper care of, expect your bands to last for years.


Compact and lightweight, glute bands are exceptionally portable.

Whether you’re working out at home or on the road, glute bands are easy to carry, ensuring your fitness routine stays on track.

I always pack a pair of glute bands together with a heavy resistance band and door suspension trainer when going on travel. And so should you!

Economy (Purchase & Maintenance)

Glute Bands Lifetime Cost Calculation

Considering both the low upfront costs and long-term maintenance, glute bands offer good value.

Their durability reduces the need for frequent replacements, making them a sensible investment.


In my home, where space is precious, the compact size of glute bands is a winner.

They maximize functionality without taking up much space, and their design ensures easy storage. It’s a small piece of equipment that packs a punch without crowding your living space.

When considering the size factor, you do not find a more suited 10 out of 10 than glute bands!

Popular Glute Band Brands

When it comes to glute bands, several brands have made a name for themselves in the fitness world.

Here are five popular brands known for their quality and effectiveness:

Fit Simplify

Fit Simplify offers a wide range of resistance bands, including glute bands, known for their durability and versatility.

Their bands come in a variety of resistance levels, making them suitable for beginners to advanced fitness enthusiasts.

With a focus on quality and comfort, Fit Simplify bands are a favorite among many.

Booty Bands

Booty Bands specializes in glute bands designed specifically for targeting and sculpting the glutes.

Their bands are made from high-quality materials and feature non-slip grips for added stability during workouts.

With a reputation for effectiveness, Booty Bands are a popular choice for those looking to enhance their lower body workouts.

Fabric Booty Bands

Fabric Booty Bands offers a unique twist on traditional resistance bands with their fabric design.

These bands are comfortable against the skin and provide a secure grip, making them ideal for a wide range of exercises.

Fabric Booty Bands are favored by many (personally, I love them!) for their durability and effectiveness in toning the glutes.


Letsfit is known for its affordable yet high-quality fitness products, including resistance bands.

Their glute bands are designed to provide maximum resistance while remaining comfortable to use.

With a focus on practicality and functionality, Letsfit bands are a popular choice for those looking for effective and budget-friendly fitness equipment.

Sports Research

No products found.

Sports Research offers a premium range of fitness accessories, including glute bands made from top-quality materials.

Their bands are designed to withstand intense workouts and provide consistent resistance.

With a reputation for reliability and performance, Sports Research bands are favored by serious fitness enthusiasts.

Exercise Equipment that Complements Glute Bands

When it comes to enhancing your lower body workouts, combining glute bands with other exercise equipment can take your training to the next level.

Here are five pieces of exercise equipment that complement glute bands perfectly:

Tips From Erik

“Mixing different exercise equipment with your glute band routine boosts muscle engagement and strength gains. Dumbbells, resistance bands, or an exercise ball add variety, preventing plateaus and improving overall fitness.”

Owner of hometraininghero


Pairing dumbbells with glute bands allows for a more comprehensive lower-body workout.

While glute bands target the muscles with resistance, dumbbells can be used to add extra weight to exercises like lunges and squats, increasing the intensity and promoting muscle growth.

Yoga Mat

A yoga mat provides a comfortable and stable surface for performing exercises with glute bands.

Whether you’re doing floor exercises like clamshells or standing movements like lateral walks, a yoga mat offers cushioning and prevents slipping, ensuring a safe and effective workout experience.

Exercise Ball

Incorporating an exercise ball into your routine adds instability, engaging more muscles and enhancing the effectiveness of glute band exercises.

Using an exercise ball for movements like hamstring curls or bridges challenges balance and core stability, intensifying the workout for greater results.

Resistance Loop Bands

While similar to glute bands, resistance loop bands offer a different range of resistance levels and can target muscles from various angles.

Combining both types of bands in your workout routine adds variety and allows for more targeted muscle engagement, leading to greater overall strength and definition.

Step Platform

A step platform adds height and variety to glute band exercises, increasing the range of motion and difficulty.

Incorporating step-ups or elevated bridges with glute bands challenge the muscles in new ways, promoting muscle growth and improving functional strength for daily activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Check out some of the top FAQs below, hopefully you will find the answers you are searching for.

Do Glute Bands Actually Work?

Absolutely! Glute bands are a powerhouse when it comes to targeting and sculpting your glutes.

I have seen a lot of people incorporating glute bands into their workouts – showing excellent results in engaging and strengthening their glute muscles.

The targeted resistance the bands provide makes them a valuable tool for anyone looking to tone and shape their glutes.

Can I Grow Glutes With Bands?

Yes, you can! Growing your glutes involves a combination of targeted exercises and progressive resistance. Glute bands, with their variable resistance levels, are excellent for progressively challenging your glutes.

Regular use of glute bands in a structured workout routine can contribute significantly to the growth and strength of your glute muscles.

Do Resistance Bands Actually Work?

Yes, resistance bands do work!

From my personal experience, using resistance bands for years, I’ve found them to provide a unique form of resistance that engages muscles throughout the entire range of motion.

Whether you’re looking to build strength, improve flexibility, or tone muscles, resistance bands are a valuable addition to your fitness arsenal.

Which Band is Best for Glutes?

The best band for glutes depends on your fitness level and goals.

In my experience, a set of glute bands with varying resistance levels is ideal. This allows for progression as your strength increases. Look for bands made from durable materials with a comfortable design.

Personally, I’ve found fabric glute bands to be the best and the most effective for glute-focused exercises – providing both comfort and functionality.