Weighted Vest Review: Unveiling a Fitness Powerhouse

Weighted Vest Review
8.46 Overall Score

Ease of Use


Total Body Score

Range of Resistance Levels

Impact on Joints and Tendons





Best For

  • Cardio Enthusiasts: Elevate your cardio workouts with the added resistance, maximizing calorie burn and endurance.

  • Strength Training Devotees: Perfect for those aiming to enhance strength and muscle tone, intensifying bodyweight exercises

  • Busy Bees on the Go: Ideal for individuals with limited time, as it effortlessly integrates into various workouts, eliminating the need for bulky equipment.


  • Fit Matters: Ensure a snug fit for optimal comfort and performance; adjustable straps are a must.

  • Weight Distribution: Look for vests with evenly distributed weight to prevent strain on specific body parts during extended use.

  • Breathability: Opt for vests with breathable materials to stay cool and comfortable during intense workouts.

Our Verdict

Weighted vests emerge as a powerhouse in the fitness realm, earning their spot as a versatile, user-friendly, and effective exercise equipment.

Whether you’re a cardio enthusiast, strength training devotee, or always on the go, weighted vests offer a transformative fitness experience.


Versatile, durable, and a game-changer for both cardio and strength training, these vests redefine the workout experience.

Why Trust Our Reviews?

After years of working out from home, I have established a unique expertise and vast experience using all kinds of home exercise equipment.

All tested equipment types have been tried and used extensively, providing me with an excellent platform to score and review each equipment type.

By following my recommendations, you can rest assured you are following the advice of someone who puts his pride in pointing you towards products suited to YOUR unique fitness journey.

How are Weighted Vests Compared to Average Home Exercise Equipment?

FactorWeighted VestAverage
Ease of use9,89,1
Total Body Score8,878,5
Upper body (33%)9,78,7
Lower body (33%)9,28,2
Core (33%)7,78,6
Range of Resistance Levels7,18,7
Impact on Joints and Tendons6,98,3

Performance Tests

The Hometraininghero LOVES home exercise equipment.

And to determine which home exercise equipment lives up to their hype, we put them all to the test.

We test 9 different performance factors, considering their effectiveness, versatility, economy, and ease of use. Here is a quick overview of the 9 test categories:

  1. Ease of use
  2. Versatility
  3. Total Body Score
    • 3.1– Upper body
    • 3.2– Lower body
    • 3.3– Core
  4. Range of Resistance Levels
  5. Impact on Joints and Tendons
  6. Durability
  7. Portability
  8. Economy (Purchase & Maintenance)
  9. Size

Learn About Our Testing Metrics

Ease of Use

My Weighted Vest
My 10kg weighted vest

Weighted vests prove to be extremely user-friendly.

As a matter of fact, they are so easy to use that even my teenage son uses mine regularly when working out.

With hassle-free adjustable straps and straightforward design – even beginners can seamlessly incorporate them into their routines. The ease of use enhances the overall accessibility of these vests, making them a great tool for people of all fitness levels.


Boasting exceptional versatility, weighted vests shine in various workout scenarios.

Whether you’re into running, bodyweight exercises – or even yoga, a weighted vest adapts effortlessly.

The ability to intensify an enormous range of different exercises sets them apart, making them a valuable addition to any fitness arsenal.

I always use my vest during calisthenics routines but also during hiking in the Norwegian mountains – and sometimes even while doing housework.

That is versatility at its purest!

Total Body Score

Upper Body: 9.7 | Lower Body: 9,2 | Core: 7,7

Weighted Vest Total Body Score Chart
  • Upper Body – Weighted vests amplify upper body workouts, providing an additional challenge for arms, shoulders, back, and chest exercises. The balanced weight distribution ensures targeted engagement and optimal effectiveness.
  • Lower Body – Engaging lower body muscles becomes more dynamic with the added resistance. Killer leg exercises like squat and lunge variations reach new heights, promoting muscle development and toning.
  • Core – The core benefits significantly from weighted vests during exercises like planks, Russian twists, captain’s chair, and leg lifts. The added resistance intensifies these movements, accelerating your core strength gains.

If you are into calisthenics, a weighted vest might be the best investment you can make to amp up your results.

Range of Resistance Levels

Some weighted vests come with weight pockets where you can add or remove weight. These offer a wide range of resistance levels and will cater to diverse fitness levels.

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced fitness enthusiast, the ability to adjust the intensity ensures a customized and progressive workout experience.

On the other hand, some vests come with a “fixed” amount of weight, which makes them unable to adjust.

Impact on Joints and Tendons

Weighted vests, while providing an effective workout, do pose a moderate impact on joints and tendons.

It’s crucial to approach their use with caution, especially if you have pre-existing joint issues. Be careful to use weighted equipment while doing exercises like running or jumping, as this might cause unwanted stress on your joints.

Starting with lighter weights and incorporating proper warm-up and cooldown routines can help mitigate the risk of strain.


Built to withstand the rigors of diverse workouts, most weighted vests showcase impressive durability.

Constructed from high-quality materials, they endure hours of intense training, making them a long-lasting investment in your fitness journey.

I’ve owned and used my weighted vest for over 6 years, and although it shows signs of wear, it still does the job!


While impactful in workouts, weighted vests present a challenge in the portability department.

Their weight and bulkiness make them less ideal if you are constantly on the move and do not want to wear the vest while moving.

Although they provide a stellar workout experience, be prepared for some inconvenience when it comes to packing it in your suitcase to bring it on your next vacation.

Economy (Purchase & Maintenance)

Weighted Vest Lifetime Cost Calculation

Considering their versatility and durability, weighted vests offer a cost-effective fitness solution.

The initial investment proves worthwhile; minimal maintenance requirements contribute to a reasonable overall cost.


The compact design of weighted vests ensures a minimal spatial footprint.

Easy to store and carry, they fit seamlessly into any workout space, making them an excellent choice for your home gym.

Popular Brands

In the realm of weighted vests, several brands stand out for their commitment to quality, innovation, and meeting the diverse needs of fitness enthusiasts.

Here’s a glimpse into five popular brands that have made a significant impact in the scene:


Known for its cutting-edge design and emphasis on comfort, HyperVest has become a go-to choice for fitness enthusiasts.

Their vests feature a sleek, ergonomic design with adjustable straps for a customizable fit. The attention to detail in weight distribution makes HyperVest a top pick if you seek a balanced and effective workout experience.


ZELUS has gained prominence for its commitment to durability and versatility.

Their weighted vests are crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring longevity even during the most intense workouts.

With a wide range of resistance levels, ZELUS vests cater to beginners and advanced users, making them a versatile choice for various fitness routines.

Mir Weighted Vest

SaleBestseller No. 1
mIR Adjustable Weighted Vest, 20 lb.
mIR Adjustable Weighted Vest, 20 lb.
WEIGHTS COME INCLUDED - Official MIR Solid Iron Weights. Each Weighing 3lbs; DURABILITY- LIFETIME INCLUDED. We stand behind our products so you can workout worry free.
$99.99 −$8.28 $91.71

Mir Weighted Vest has carved a niche for itself, focusing on providing exceptional value.

Renowned for its affordability without compromising quality, Mir Weighted Vest offers a range of options to suit different fitness levels.

The vests boast a straightforward design, making them accessible for beginners while meeting seasoned fitness enthusiasts’ demands.

CAP Barbell

Bestseller No. 1
CAP Barbell (HHWV-020C1) Adjustable Weighted Vest, 20-Pound, Black, version 2
CAP Barbell (HHWV-020C1) Adjustable Weighted Vest, 20-Pound, Black, version 2
Adjustable conditioning vest with steel-shot weight packets, weighing approximately 1 lb; Helps you gain strength and burn additional calories
$19.99 Amazon Prime

CAP Barbell stands out for its commitment to innovation and user-friendly designs.

Their weighted vests feature thoughtful details such as moisture-wicking materials and padded shoulders, enhancing the overall comfort during workouts.

CAP Barbell vests are often favored by people who appreciate a combination of functionality and comfort in their fitness gear.

Rogue Fitness

If you are seeking a premium fitness experience, Rogue Fitness is synonymous with quality.

Renowned for its durable and rugged gear, Rogue Fitness weighted vests are designed to withstand the toughest workouts.

With a focus on performance and longevity, these vests are a top choice for serious athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Exercise Equipment that Complements a Weighted Vest

When it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts with a weighted vest, pairing it with the right exercise equipment can take your training to the next level.

Here are five pieces of equipment that seamlessly complement weighted vests:

Tips From Erik

“Mixing different exercise equipment with your weighted vest workout boosts intensity and targets muscles in new ways. Dumbbells, resistance bands, or kettlebells add variety, maximizing strength and endurance gains. Embrace this blend for a dynamic and effective training routine.”

Owner of hometraininghero

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a perfect match for weighted vests, offering a versatile way to add resistance to your workouts.

When used in conjunction with a vest, resistance bands provide additional tension throughout a range of motion, enhancing muscle engagement and promoting strength gains. Whether you’re performing squats, rows, or overhead presses, incorporating resistance bands amplifies the intensity of your exercises, making them an excellent choice for full-body workouts.


Dumbbells are a classic choice for strength training, and when paired with a weighted vest, they become even more effective.

Adding dumbbells to exercises like lunges, chest presses, and shoulder raises increases the resistance, challenging your muscles and promoting muscle growth.

The combination of weighted vests and dumbbells allows for a more dynamic and comprehensive workout experience, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously for maximum results.


Kettlebells are renowned for their versatility and ability to engage multiple muscle groups with dynamic, functional movements.

When used alongside a weighted vest, kettlebells provide an added challenge to exercises such as swings, goblet squats, and Turkish get-ups. The combination of weighted vests and kettlebells promotes stability, coordination, and core strength, making it an ideal choice for those looking to elevate their functional fitness routine.

Medicine Balls

Medicine balls are excellent tools for developing explosive power, coordination, and core strength.

Pairing them with a weighted vest enhances the challenge of exercises like wall balls, Russian twists, and overhead slams, as the added resistance increases the demand on your muscles and cardiovascular system.

The dynamic nature of medicine ball exercises, combined with the stability provided by a weighted vest, creates a comprehensive and stimulating workout experience.

Suspension Trainers (e.g., TRX)

Suspension trainers offer a unique way to engage your muscles and improve stability, balance, and flexibility.

When used in conjunction with a weighted vest, suspension training becomes even more challenging, as the additional resistance forces your muscles to work harder to maintain proper form and control.

Whether you’re performing rows, push-ups, or planks, incorporating suspension trainers with a weighted vest provides a full-body workout that targets both large and small muscle groups for maximum effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Check out some of the top FAQs below, hopefully, you will find the answers you are searching for.

Are Weighted Vests Effective?

Weighted vests are highly effective in enhancing various aspects of your workout.

Adding resistance to your body intensifies exercises, leading to increased calorie burn, improved cardiovascular health, and enhanced muscle strength.

Whether you’re into cardio, strength training, or calisthenics, the versatility of weighted vests makes them a valuable tool for achieving your fitness goals.

What are the Negatives of Weighted Vests?

While weighted vests offer numerous benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential drawbacks.

Overloading the body, especially for prolonged periods, may increase the risk of joint and tendon strain. It’s crucial to start with a manageable weight and gradually progress.

Additionally, people with certain health conditions or injuries should consult a healthcare professional before incorporating weighted vests into their routines.

Can you Build Muscle With a Weighted Vest?

Absolutely. Weighted vests are excellent for building muscle, especially in bodyweight training like calisthenics.

The added resistance increases the challenge for your muscles, promoting hypertrophy (muscle growth). Incorporating a weighted vest into bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups can effectively target and stimulate muscle development.

How Heavy Should my Weighted Vest be?

The ideal weight for your vest depends on your fitness level, goals, and the type of exercise you plan to perform.

Beginners should start with a lighter load, typically around 5-10% of their body weight. As your strength and endurance improve, you can gradually increase the weight.

For more advanced users, vests with higher weight capacity allow for continued progression. It’s essential to choose a weight that challenges you without compromising proper form during exercises.

Always listen to your body and make adjustments accordingly.