Can you Lift Your Buttocks With Exercise? A Complete Guide to Strong Buttocks

Can you lift your buttocks with exercise?

The answer is yes. The catch? Only if you do it the right way.

Today I’ll tell you why strengthening the glutes is essential, and I’ll also give you a few actionable tips on how you can start strengthening them – today.

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Introduction: The Benefits of a Strong and Firm Buttocks

With the increasing frequency of sitting at desks for hours on end, many people are experiencing aches and pains in their lower back.

This is where strengthening your buttock muscles comes into play. Stronger buttock muscles will provide better posture, increase mobility in the lower back, and help alleviate pain caused by sitting too long – all of which can lead to weight loss goals.

You should be aware that this is not a miracle cure for back pain- it will not make your pain go away immediately. But over time, it could help alleviate discomfort by strengthening the core muscles and the biggest muscle of your posterior chain.

How To Use Exercise To Lift Your Glutes and Improve Its Appearance

We all know about the gluteus maximus, or the glute, as it’s affectionately known by the second-wave fitness community. The glute, otherwise known as the “butt muscle,” is an incredibly important muscle for everyday tasks, including running and jumping, as well as lifting, squatting – and even lifting a heavy bag of groceries.

When our glutes get weak and saggy from too little daily activation, it is time to take action! Other than changing your diet, exercise will be your best weapon in the fight against a saggy buttock.


Some exercises target the buttocks directly, but most focus on lower body muscles that support the buttocks.

To gain maximum rewards, I tell my client to start working out in their daily life instead of restricting it to the gym. Here are a few simple tips to start lifting your buttocks with exercise:

  • When cooking dinner, do some deep squats while waiting for the rice to get ready.
  • Instead of taking the elevator to your third-story office, use the stairs – stepping two stair steps at a time.
  • Every time you open your entrance door to step into the house, do ten lunges.
  • When you sit on your couch, squeeze and tighten your butt muscles 50 times in a row.
  • The same goes for when you are walking. Squeeze your glute muscles – and hold. Relax when you feel the cramps coming – and squeeze again as soon as you feel ready again.

It’s all about habits, make the above a natural part of your daily life, and results will come!

Can you Lift Your Buttocks With Exercise? 3 Easy Tips To Lift Your Buttocks and Improve Its Appearance

Here are three easy-to-follow tips on how to work on your glutes during a hectic day. Like above, they all replace “waste time” – like sitting on the couch, scrolling on your phone, driving to the store, waiting for the microwave oven to finish up, and so on.

Everyday Balancing

Stand on one leg and hold the other up in the air for 30 seconds at a time for three sets on each side.

Squats, Squats, and More Squats!

Do squats while balancing on a Bosu ball or a balance board with your arms outstretched in front of you for three sets of 10 reps on each side. Or do squats while holding on to an object like a chair or railing for three sets of 12-15 reps on each side)

Ride a Bike

Riding a bike is a great way to get in some low-impact cardiovascular exercise that also improves your buttock’s muscular strength and tone. The movement of the bike’s seat will work your glute muscles, which can lead to a stronger, more lifted backside.

If you include these simple-to-do exercises into your daily life and also implement glute-building exercises into your workout regimen – you are on a sure path to success!

Final Words: The Importance of Exercises That Focus on the Glute Muscles

Yeah, firm buttocks and strong glute muscles look good – but did you know that a strong butt also plays a vital role in keeping a healthy body?

The Gluteus Maximus is the largest and most powerful muscle in the body. It’s also a crucial muscle for stability and injury prevention. Our glutes play a role in many different functions – and provide stability in pretty much all types of exercises. It is important not only to stretch these muscles but to work them out as well.

So, focusing on our glutes is important in many other ways than just making us look good. And regular exercise is a vital part of lifting and strengthening your buttocks – helping it to do its job of stabilizing your body and, of course – looking good.


If you want to learn more about lower body exercise and glute workouts – visit my strength-building archive, LOADED with actionable fitness hacks, easy-to-follow workout instructions, and effective exercise tips.

See you there!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Long Does it Take to Lift a Saggy Bum?

This is a difficult question to answer, as there are several factors that can influence your outcome:

  • Diet
  • Dedication
  • Type of exercises
  • Genetics
  • Sleep


Anyone that gives a more precise on this question is lying. But if you eat right, work out hard, and are dedicated to your glute training – results will come!

What Exercises Lift Your Buttocks Fast?

If you are looking to lift your buttocks fast, focusing on the following three exercises will get you far along the way:

  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Glute Bridges

All of the above can be done at home – with no expensive exercise equipment.

Why is my Bum Getting Bigger With Exercise?

Your bum – also known as the gluteus Maximus, or your glutes, are the biggest muscles of the human body.

As with most other muscles throughout your body, they grow and get stronger when worked out regularly. The glutes are no different. When you exercise these muscles they get stronger – and eventually grow bigger.

So if your bum grows as a result of exercise – celebrate! That means you are doing things right, and that your hard work pays off! Oh, and by the way: Strong glute muscles are essential in fighting lower back pains and keeping a healthy body.

What Exercises Lift Your Buttocks at Home?

If you are looking to lift your buttocks by working out at home, I’d recommend you do the exact same exercises as suggested above:

  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Glute Bridges

To add resistance, put a backpack on while doing lunges or squats. Or maybe hold a couple of dumbbells in your hands? Or even better, invest in a weighted vest!

To make the glute bridges harder, use a resistance band.

But remember:

To build muscle or lose weight your diet plays a big role. For best results, workout regimes should always be accompanied by a matching diet.

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