How to Get a Bigger Buttocks Fast With Exercise: The Beginners ABC

Do you want to learn the secret behind how to get a bigger buttocks fast with exercise?

That is a tough one – but I’ll give it a try…

I have already shown you the best glute machines for home, and I have also reviewed the popular Squat Magic machine.

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But now it is time to look at more actionable tips:

Read on and discover the exercises YOU should be doing to build a bigger butt!

How Frequently Should You Train Your Glutes?

Wondering how often you should train your glutes is a loaded question to tackle.

Every person is different, and we all are equipped with our own unique physical capabilities. Heck, we all also have different goals in mind – but we still want to see results as fast as possible!

Some people want to go for mass (heavier weight with fewer reps), while others wish to tone their body – without ending up with that bulky look (lighter weight but more reps).

When it comes to the butt, though, it’s a great idea to start off training your glutes once every week. This will let you assess how your body handles both muscle stress and fatigue after training. After your glutes feel fully recovered, you can test your capabilities by bumping up to two glute training sessions every week.

More experienced lifters each have their own preferences, but generally, they train glutes and lower body one to four times every week.


How to Get a Bigger Buttocks Fast With Exercise: The Recipe

Now, it’s time to have those glute muscles start working!

Take your time during each rep, rest in between sets, and emphasize putting stress on the gluteus maximus – also known as the glutes. It’s going to take your dedication – but these five exercises will have you on the right track to solid results.

Back Squats

We’ve all heard it before – squats are an essential workout to do.

However, back squats aren’t going to isolate only your glutes. Back squats get you killer results in your back, core, quads, hamstrings, and glutes – combined!

You’ll be building a fantastic foundation that will give you the strength you need to handle more advanced glute exercises later down the road…

Not to mention:

You can start doing back squats from home using nothing other than your body weight!

Once you hit the weight room, you can try resting the bar on your shoulders for added resistance. Or if at home – why not use a resistance band?

Try keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, looking forward, keeping your back straight, and imagine you are taking a seat.

You should both see and feel buttocks results after a month of back squats.

Lateral Lunges (Side Lunges)

Sculpting strong and firm glutes mean that you need to activate ALL of the muscles of the buttocks.

The three muscles include:

  • the gluteus maximus (upper buttocks),
  • gluteus medius (high near the hip),
  • and the gluteus minimus (lower side).

Lateral lunges are a simple yet effective way of targeting all three of the buttocks muscles simultaneously.

To do a proper lateral lunge, widen your feet slightly past your hips. Point your toes forward, and step one leg out to the side. Distribute your weight to the foot out to the side and bend your knee right to a 90-degree angle. Your other leg should be standing straight up as you shift the weight back to your starting position.

As easy as that!


Kickbacks are a great addition to your glute training regimen. It emphasizes the buttocks – helping you strengthen and shape a rounder butt. The key to kickbacks is to use light weight (even bodyweight works) and make sure you’re engaging the glute rather than the lower back.

While using a cable, attach a strap to your ankle, lean forward slightly with your feet together, and activate your core. Keeping the back straight will target your glutes and prevent injury during the workout.

You should feel the burning in your glutes and under no circumstances in your back!

Kickbacks will build the definition on your backside as a nice bonus workout you can add to your routine.

Hip Thrusts

A super isolated method for building up the glute is the popular hip thrust workout.

Hip thrusts offer you the opportunity to load heavier weight than other workouts. It’s one of the fastest exercises that strengthen your buttocks because it draws plenty of peak muscle contractions. This will also activate all three muscle groups of the buttocks, helping turn your glutes into a powerhouse.

To execute a proper hip thrust, place your back against a bench with a padded weight on your lap. Have your feet planted flat and firm, and stabilize your lower back and knees. Drive the weight by extending your hips and pushing through your feet’ heels to complete the rep. Your rib cage should be kept down so that your chest doesn’t arch during the exercise.

Glute Bridge (an Alternative to Hip Thrusts)

Glute bridges can be done as an alternative to the above-described hip thrusts.

To do a glute bridge, lie flat on the floor – face up. Keep your knees bent and your feet firmly planted on the surface. Then lift your hips from the ground while squeezing your glutes and activating your core muscles. Keep lifting until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Do you feel the burn?


Not only will step-ups build strength, but they will add essential cardio to your workouts as well!

Step-ups target your large leg muscles, including the glutes – while testing your balance in the process. The balance you gain from step-ups will also build a foundation that will make standing workouts like squats and lunges much easier to execute.

Even though they may not seem as powerful as a squat or hip thrust, step-ups will make your next workout that much more dynamic.


Performing a step-up is pretty simple to start. Holding dumbbells in each hand, step your right foot onto an elevated platform or a bench. Push through with your right heel and step your left foot onto the platform. Step back down to the floor with your right foot first, followed by the left to complete the rep.

2 Day Butt Workout Program

Using the butt exercises explained above, here is a beginner-friendly two-day workout program to help strengthen your glutes and make your butt bigger. Do some of the exercises twice a week, while some of them only once.

Back Squats

  • Twice Per Week
  • Three to Five Sets
  • Ten to Twelve Reps Per Set
  • Three Minute Rest In Between Sets

Lateral Lunges

  • Twice Per Week
  • Two to Three Sets
  • Twelve to Fifteen Reps Per Set
  • Two to Three Minute Rest In Between Sets


  • Once Per Week
  • Four Sets
  • Twelve to Sixteen Reps Per Set
  • One to Two Minute Rest In Between Sets

Hip Thrusts

  • Once Per Week
  • Three Sets
  • Six to Eight Reps
  • Two to Three Minute Rest In Between Sets


  • Twice Per Week
  • Three Sets
  • Ten to Twelve Reps
  • One Minute Rest In Between Sets

Go Careful on Your Knees

Especially lunges, step-ups, and squats are known to place stress on your knees if not done correctly. Be sure to apply a good form to your body and focus on your technique while doing the movements.


The butt muscles should be doing the work – not your ligaments and muscles surrounding your knee. Be careful while you bend your knees, and STOP if you feel pain!

Final Words: Get a Bigger Butt – NOW!

As long as you are not aiming for a big butt without muscles (tip: drink loads of olive oil), there is no secret recipe for building a bigger butt. Doing regular glute exercises, though, will surely help you along the way to reach your goals.

Try to incorporate the butt workouts given in this article – but also try to sneak some exercise into your daily life:

When at the office – squeeze your glutes and hold for a few seconds at a time. While watching Netflix – do a series of static squat holds. Be creative and apply a couple of small series butt workouts throughout the day. It really works!


If you are thirsty for more exercise and fitness tips (which I suppose you are), visit my MASSIVE collection of strength-building content. No matter your age or current fitness level – I’ll show you the best exercises to reach your workout goals.

See you there!

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