Vertical Climber vs Rowing Machine: Which Should You Choose?

Vertical climber vs rowing machine. Climbing Mount Everest or rowing the Mississippi?

There are several good reasons to use a vertical climber, and there are several reasons to use a rowing machine.

Read on to find out which is the best fit for YOU.

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Vertical Climber vs Rowing Machine: What Are They?

Vertical Climber

A vertical climber is a low-impact exercise machine that mimics the movements of climbing a mountain.


Just imagine the cardio that you will do with this machine, the strength that it puts on your body, and how it will boost your metabolism!

A vertical climber is very light and super easy to store away behind your bedroom door. It is an easy-to-store exercise machine that will help you get a full-time workout without actually feeling like you are working that hard.

And it’s tons of fun as well!

How cool is that?

Some popular models are; Maxi Climber Vertical Climber, Versaclimber, and the Conquer vertical climber machine. Some of them can be found in my best vertical climber reviews – where I have looked at dozens of different brands to find the top 3 models.

Rowing Machine

Have you ever watched all those amazing athletes rowing while still looking fantastic and wishing to be one of them?

Now you can.

Well, kind of, because the rowing machine will allow you to experience the feeling of rowing, although you are going to be doing it at home and not in the water. But nothing that YouTube can’t help with, right?

The rowing machine allows you to have a full workout right in the comfort of your own home, no matter how the water is looking outside!

Some popular models are; Nordic Track Rower, Sunny Health & Fitness Rower, and the Stamina Rowing Machine. For home workouts I would personally go for the Sunny Health & Fitness model – as it combines quality, features and price just about perfectly!

The Full Benefits of a Vertical Climber

The Vertical Climber is a great exercise machine for long-term results, and we all know how hard that is to come by. Try to find that one exercise that won’t start to become stressful on your joints, or worse, becomes dull and boring, making you wish you were lying on the sofa instead.

Hey, that’s even more challenging than losing those unwanted pounds, right? 

Well, we’ve all been there, but the good news is that the vertical climber can help you achieve great fitness results – while not getting tired of working out! 

The Vertical Climber will help you build strength in your arms and legs, as well as strengthen your core, which is probably where the stubborn bits of fat loves to hide.

And all of this is possible thanks to its smart full-body movement system! 

It’s also great to strengthen your bones and give your upper body the necessary strength to actually go climb some real mountains in the future… The vertical climber can do all of this without putting stress on your joints, which is a BIG plus.

So, what can you expect from using this cool home climbing machine?


A 30-minute workout will burn anything between 200-300 calories! Yeah, vertical climbers use so many of your muscles, making it perfect for burning calories and boosting your metabolism! 

Do you think I’m joking?

Well, what I’m about to tell you next is going to blow your mind:

Are you ready for it?

The vertical climber is great to support weight loss – and if you can fit only 30 minutes of your busy day, you will get a full-body workout!

And an effective cardio workout also harvests even better prizes..:

Vertical climbing may reduce the risk of diabetes type 2 by 40%! I know that this sounds like craziness, but it’s the real deal. So if you are looking for something that helps you in the long run, then Vertical Climbers might be the perfect exercise machine for you!

I’ve actually written a whole article about the benefits of vertical climbing, be sure to check it out!

The Full Benefits of a Rowing Machine

Ok, I know what you are thinking:

The vertical climber sounds amazing, but you are looking for something that can give you even quicker results. Am I right?

I know the feeling, and that’s why I’m so excited to talk about the rowing machine!

Are you ready to learn some crazy facts?

The rowing machine is a fabulous full workout that can tone and strengthen your abdomen and your arms and shoulders, and let’s not forget about your legs and buttocks.

“Rowing provides a tremendous full-body workout and packs many powerful benefits for your heart, lungs and overall health.”

Reference: – Benefits of a Rowing Machine

Still not convinced?

The rowing machine has some more benefits for your health, such as promoting the health of your circulatory system. And a healthy circulatory system will, of course, impact the health of your lungs and heart – for the better. 

Although the modern rowing machines will allow you to switch the resistance of your workout, you will be happy to know that rowing machines do not add stress to your joints. No painful back, elbows, or knee pain after a full workout sounds pretty tempting, right?

But wait because there’s more:

The rowing machine burns something like 800-850 calories per hour! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found out about these crazy numbers, so I won’t blame you if you were surprised as well.

Just to have an idea:

The only exercise that can do better is using a skipping rope for an hour – which burns around 1000 sweet calories. But let’s be honest, can you skip a rope for one whole hour? Well, thanks to the rowing machine, you won’t need to find out! 

So, what’s the catch you might ask… Nothing!

Final Words: Vertical Climber vs Rowing Machine

Of the two, which should you choose?

The boring, but also the correct answer is:

IT DEPENDS! (Sorry.)

Some people love vertical climbers, and some people love rowing machines. The fact is that they are both excellent cardio machines. The vertical climber tends to take up less space than a rowing machine, and also they usually cost less.

Personally, I do not prefer one over the other, as I like to mix things up. I’ll use a rowing machine for some weeks – and then switch to a vertical climber. Either which of them I use, I KNOW I will experience an amazing cardio session as long as I push myself hard enough.

You might also want to consider the following:

  • Stair climber
  • A treadmill
  • Exercise Bike
  • A Stepper
  • An elliptical
  • A Cross Trainer
  • Stair Climber

I’ve looked at these – and many more in my cardio workouts and exercise collection, LOADED with tips, hacks, cardio equipment reviews, and actionable workout routines.

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